The second Wrestlemania, held in 1986, was hosted from three different cities and each city had a main event. The most important main event was held at The Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angles, between “’The Immortal” Hulk Hogan and King Kong Bundy. This was the first time and only time a steel cage was applied as a main event attraction. This match was another stepping stone for Hogan; he retained his title and Hulkamania continued to run wild. Celebrities also continued to show their faces at Wrestlemania, cult movie star Elvira was one of the commentators for LA’s big steel cage match. Another person you would see year after year would be ring annoucer Howard Finkel. Finkel is now in WWE’s Hall of Fame; he coined the name Wrestlemania, inspired by Hulk Hogan’s Hulkamania
The second main event was held in Illinois; at the Rosemont Horizon. This event would begin the careers of some now WWE Hall of Fame Alumni. The British Bulldog and the Dynamite kid, and the Hart Foundation of Bret ’Hitman’ Hart and Jim the Anvil Neidhart. Stampede Wrestling had recently been bought from Canada, and so had it’s wrestlers. Known as the British Bulldogs, Davey Boy Smith and the Dynamite Kid won WWE’s Tag Team Titles from a team called the “Dream Team”. The “Dream Team” had been champions for seven months, until Wrestlemania 2. Like LA, Chicago had it’s share of celebrities. Ozzy Osbourne, star of the T.V. Show ”The Osbournes” and the God of Rock N’ Roll, accompanied the British Bulldogs down to ring side. As well as former governor of Minnosota, Jesse ’The Body’ Ventura as a commentator for the event’s matches. This city held the main event of a 20 man over the top rope battle royal. This match included WWE wrestlers and NFL football players. The Hart Foundation would last till the end until Andre the Giant won the match. This would again show his dominance in WWE and at Wrestlemania. Last year’s Wrestlemania witnessed Andre Body Slam Big John Studd for $15,000. So, at Wrestlemania 2, Andre threw 19 other men other the top rope, some being NFL football players like William Perry, and showed the world again one of the wonders the WWE possessed.

The last main event was “ The Hot Rod” Roddy Piper Vs. Mr. T in a boxing match. This match came from The Nassau Coliseum, in New York, and was commentated by the owner of WWE Vince McMahon. After Last Year’s Wrestlemania main event, the grudge between Roddy Piper and Mr. T only escalated. Piper had made himself the top heel of WWE and despised Mr. T for being a Hollywood actor trying to wrestle. Mr. T tried to prove himself by starting a boxing open each week on WWE’s Saturday’s Main Event. In one of these matches he took on Bob Orton, who was an alley of Piper, Piper interfered in the match which led to the match-up at Wrestlemania. The match lasted four rounds until a frustrated Roddy Piper body slammed T which was illegal. Ray Charles was the celebrity on hand in New York, and began the show by singing our national anthem.

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